Marie Antoinette and the Magical Negroes (Jeff Recommended)
The Story Theatre Presents: Marie Antoinette (The Remix)
Written and directed by Terry Guest, this play is a 90 minute train that takes off and keeps going. It is a mixture of history and fiction and blurs the lines between historical revolution in 1792 and the modern day revolution taking place today. It poses the questions: “how far are you willing to go for the freedom of your people?” And, “how far is too far?”
Opening week for this how was a wild ride, as I had COVID during our entire tech process. I was potentially going to miss the entirety of our opening weekend. However, thanks to my resilient immune system and maybe a little divine intervention lol I tested negative Wednesday Jun 29th, just in time to open the show on June 30th! This show is a very well written piece of history and poetry and it feels so good to share this with my cast: Maya Prentiss, Keith Illidge, Nathaniel Andrew, Amber Washington, Brenna DiStasio, and David Stobbe.